Othniel deKharouf, High Priest of the Nazarites
Uziel Basra, a mighty Nazarite warrior
Ariella Muloc, a mighty Nazarite warrior
Rhea, High Priestess of the Throne Room
A Nazarite high priest fights a spiritual war to prevent divine prophecy from coming to pass by blocking the birth of the Antichrist.
I’ve studied eschatology since I was a young man.
The Sword and the Pythia is based on many years of research. While it is written as a novel, many of the assertions in the book are based on scriptural, historical, and earthly fact.
The War in Syria is a major event in Bible prophecy.
To observe the rise of the Bashar Hafez al-AssadGovernment from the ashes of apparent destruction is an ominous precursor to a far greater evil.
To examine the incredible events that have led to a nearly destroyed country provoking the two major superpowers of the earth is astonishing.
According to the ancient Bible prophecies, the consequences of the Syrian War will usher in the age of the Beast, the Son of Perdition, the final king of Syria.
Then will come the wars between the King of the North and the King of the South.
Wars which will lead to a final confrontation between the Almighty and the Antichrist at the Valley of Megiddo.
An Eschatological Novel
A vow declared by a Nazarite High Priest that spans one-hundred, fifty-three years…
A love story that endures for one-hundred, forty-five years…
A conflicted man torn apart by a promise he made to the Almighty, and a love he has for a woman…
In the Siwa Oasis one man will war to stop a prophecy made by God since the Garden of Eden…
High Priest Othniel deKharouf, a mighty spiritual Nazarite warrior, assembles the “Seven” high priests to war against the four angels from the abyss, who have come to herald the rise of the antichrist.
A spiritual war takes place across the planet, immersing the world in strange events and violent military engagements. The strange events draw the attention of the United States Military. Confronted by the possibility of a super soldier, DoD assigns the Wiz Kids of DARPA to study the incidences. The classified study, and DARPA’s subsequent catalogued files, are titled: Project Superman.
Geoffrey “Wizard” Merlin, a genetic engineer, Ronald “Cat” Tomlin, a kinesiologist, Adam “Anatomia” Corliss, a pathologist, Erwin “Rommel” Lisps von Hessen, a military historian, and Daniel “Prophet” Nabil, a Professor of New Testament Interpretation, make up the DARPA team. Their incredible conclusion, as to the cause of the global events, stuns the United States Military.
Spurred by DARPA’s incredible analysis and conclusion, DoD calls up the assembly of hunter-killer teams to kill the super soldier and discover his country of origin. In the valley of the devils, near the place of birth of Babylon, a fierce battle between physical and spiritual forces comes to a decisive end.
The battle is fought to the minutest distance—the Planck length measurement—and to the shortest organization of time—the Planck measurement of time. In the middle of this titanic spiritual war, Uziel and Ariella—two modern day Nazarite warriors—are chosen to join the fight against the four mighty angels and their spiritual armies. From Macedonia to Turkey, spanning across Syria and Jordan, the breathtaking story leads to the Egyptian desert, where a climactic battle between the forces of good and evil collide in an ancient oasis.
Uziel learns that Ariella has been taken prisoner by the enemy forces and led to an Egyptian oasis to fulfill a dreadful prophecy. Fighting against angelic principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, Uziel enters the strongholds of the spiritual enemy to save Ariella.
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