- Isham Randolph, a revolutionary.
- Quentin Randolph, son of Isham Randolph
- Thomas Jackson, prominent commander in the Army of Northern Virginia
- Walter Christie, top General in the Army of Northern Virginia
- Irene Randolph, wife of Quentin Randolph
- Karrie Jackson, wife of Thomas Jackson
- The man in the pinstripe suit, code name “Gravedigger, a “dark ops” architect for Omega Field Group (OFG)
Publius: Libertas Aut Mors is an epic story involving many distinct, memorable characters.
Having multilayered plots and subplots, the characters of the complex and fascinating story are interwoven within the folds of the intrigue, to bring about a powerful crescendo of action that is relentless in pace.
At its darkest, the plot reveals a top secret organization of the US Government known as Omega Field Group (OFG), who is actively working under executive summary directive, assigned to a classification known as (Plan of Removal) POR.
POR is natural cause assignment, a deadly practice of untraceable assassination.
Many are aware of Project MKUltra, as well as other information sources, which reveal the US Government’s participation in “mind control” and countless other nefarious undertakings.
Assassination programs have littered US history—internationally and domestically. In fact, drone assassination has taken such a prominent significance, they have come to be labeled “drone warfare” by many.
Since 2010, the US Government has, not only used drone warfare at an unprecedented frequency and scope, they even went so far as to announce that the president had legal right to order a drone strike against a US Citizen, on US soil.
When the US Government made this declaration, they confirmed the central plot of Publius: LAM—the systematic assassination of unwanted US Citizens by the highest US Authority.
The plot of Publius: Libertas Aut Mors is not set in some distant future—the novel is based on the here and now. While many events would need to take place to set into motion such extreme circumstances, the foundation of such government oppression is already in place in our country to reasonably bring about the book’s events exactly as they are depicted.
It is this close link with reality that makes the book’s message so frightening.
They Say Government Mind Control Is Real—And That They’re Part of It
Over the past 30 years, thousands of people who identify as “targeted individuals” claim the government is engaging in covert war on their minds.
09.04.16 12:15 AM ET
Isham Randolph, an American Revolutionary and the leader of a grassroots legislative assembly called the House of Burgesses, has been removed (assassinated) by a shadow government counterintelligence organization known as Omega Field Group.
Directly responsible for Randolph’s Plan of Removal, the man in the pinstripe suit—codenamed Gravedigger—will stop at nothing to bury all top-secret files involving the Burgesses.
Making a last stand, in the Shenandoah Valley, the House of Burgesses declares war on the shadow government and the underground, sinister forces seeking to destroy the Republic of the United States.
Quentin Randolph, the son of Isham Randolph, and Thomas Jackson, a patriot-soldier fashioned by the Burgesses to assume Isham Randolph’s position—two men joined by fate—lead the war against Omega.
The deadly struggle extends to the skies as Omega unleashes a powerful spy satellite system to assist them in hunting and annihilating the Burgesses.
Caught between the two powerful factions, Richard Haler—an MKDELTA trained assassin, and a double agent created by Isham Randolph, prior to his death—is given the mission to protect Quentin Randolph, and his wife Irene, at all costs.
In a race against time, a titanic struggle ensues, the incredible events flashing across Virginia in patriotic images of ordinary citizens, and freedom fighters, who dare to defy a tyrannical government in the name of liberty.
Amidst the explosive action and violence, emerge the love stories of Quentin and Irene Randolph, and Thomas and Karrie Jackson. Having to choose between kin and country, the heroes and heroines are ripped apart as they are transformed into a hardened people willing to pledge their possessions, their families, and their lives to each other—to sacrifice everything—for the ultimate reward of Liberty.
The epic story pounds to a thrilling crescendo when the identity of the man in the pinstripe suit is revealed and his astonishing connection to the House of Burgesses is shockingly discovered.
Publius: Libertas Aut Mors is an unforgettable thriller filled with romance, action packed adventure, and patriotic inspiration. It may be the most important book you ever read.
A political thriller filled with action, romance, and intrigue
Uncover the conspiracy
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